Historiefabrikken - english

Historiefabrikken (Story Factory) is a professional Danish film production company, located i the middle off Copenhagen in Denmark.
Based on the genre of the Danish documentary film, Historiefabrikken produces films for television, NGO´s, organizations, companies and institutions.
Historiefabrikken has extensive experience in creating films, that can be included in educational materials and campaigns for the Danish Elementary School.
The Story Factory does also produce its own films i cooperation with foundations and partners.
Our vision is to use the film production, to create small and big positive changes for people.
Key costumers and cooperation partners
Danida Denmark's development cooperation, Danish Broadcasting Corporation, Save The Children Denmark, The Danish Refugee Council, Region Capital Copenhagen, The Danish Family Planning Association and The Institute for Human Rights.
Films produced in developing country
The dronen saved my life Rwanda 2019
The Big One – the earthquake is coming, but when? Nepal 2013
Game of Chance, Nepal 2010
Nepal – a country in transition. Nepal 2008
Ghana Bloggers. Ghana 2006
Goods with a story. Ghana 2005.
The day the thief came. Ghana 1998.
On the small green mountains. Ghana 1991.
Contact Producer Jesper Lambæk/Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den./+45 40 46 06 15